Become an NSR Licensee

Few businesses in the world are more satisfying than ours. You, as an NSR licensee, will be largely responsible for many student-athletes getting scholarships. This is a dream come true for both the student-athletes, as well as their parents. Watch this short video of NSR President, Rusty Rigney, explaining what it takes to be a scout.

Learn what it takes to become an NSR scout.

What does a Licensee do?

NSR Scouts NSR licensees often attend coaches conventions, which helps us maintain personal relationships with college coaches and to remain a visible presence and influence in scouting and recruiting. Licensees and their scouts also conduct free seminars to educate prospects and their parents about the college recruiting process. These seminars satisfy a great need in the high school sports community and they bring us in contact with many qualified prospects who may be interested in the NSR program. And since college scouting often revolves around club team tournaments and showcases, NSR also sponsors and conducts tournaments and showcases in several different sports. This also presents an excellent opportunity to communicate to athletes and their families the importance of our program.

NSR's Support System

NSR Scouts NSR's home office support staff is always available to our licensees. The staff is made up of professional veterans of the college scouting and recruiting industry; the very best in the business. Each staff member has years of experience, and their knowledge and advice is shared with licensees continuously.

Interested in becoming an NSR Licensee?

  • Scouting athletes at games, practices and tournaments.
  • Talking to coaches.
  • Talking to student-athletes and their parents about college sports and recruiting.
  • Attending and putting on showcases and seminars.
  • Helping student-athletes realize their dreams and being responsible for getting them scholarship offers.

These are some of the things you'll be doing in a typical work week. How does this compare with your current job description?

NSR on Fox News Get in the game! Today in America

What College Coaches Say

Florida State University

"At Florida State University we have become accustomed to recruiting top athletes. I've found the information that National Scouting Report provides on the Prospect Resume is outstanding and enables us to better pursue athletes."

Florida State University

Syracuse University

"Now that we have concluded another highly successful recruiting year at Syracuse I would like to personally say thank you for your service. It proved to be an invaluable guide in locating and following through on many top prospects we were interested in. As you know, with the new NCAA rules putting tougher restrictions on our travels, the background information you provide in your publication is appreciated and continually used by our staff."

Syracuse University

Virginia Tech

"...thank you for all of your help in the recruiting information that we have received from your report. Your information has been very accurate and the promptness of the film has been very helpful."

Virginia Tech

University of Illinois

"We here at the University of Illinois find that your scouting report is very helpful in our recruiting efforts. It allows us to find the top talented high school players around the country. We cannot see anything that would improve your service, because we have been well satisfied with it."

University of Illinois

University of Alabama at Birmingham

"I really appreciate how quickly you got information to me and got me in contact with the prospective student athlete. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I am so excited about the commitment we received from an outstanding young lady. I know she is going to be not only a great player for us, but also a great student and a great person to represent UAB."

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Georgia Tech

"The National Scouting Report has been a major help to me and Georgia Tech in so many ways. They are always very easy to reach when you need help and always very helpful. If it's video or just important information, NSR and it's staff will have it. I have been extremely impressed with the fine work they have done."

Georgia Tech

Boise State University

"The information sheets for each prospect contains lots of good information that is extremely helpful to me. It must take a lot of time and hard work to gather all that information. For that kind of effort I am extremely appreciative. The service is of tremendous benefit to both the prospective student athletes and every collegiate volleyball program."

Boise State University

Indiana University

"Without question we appreciate any and all background materials on players and can make good use ofthem in our recruiting efforts. The important thing for us to do is establish as early a contact as possible with the players."

Indiana University

Air Force Academy

"Thanks so much for all the help you provide to the Air Force Academy. Since we recruit nationwide, your help is invaluable. Keep up the wonderful work and we look forward to your help in the coming years."

Air Force Academy


"Thank you for all of your help in recruiting. Notre Dame is looking forward to working with NSR in the future. Keep up the good work."

Notre Dame


"I am impressed with your program. I believe it will be helpful to those young people who are not well known prospective student-athletes. If you can match a student and a university who might not have been exposed to one another, then you've done a service for both."


Ohio State University

"I wanted to write to express my appreciateion for all you guys do for colleges at National Scouting Report. To stay at the top, college programs rely heavily on recruiting top student-athletes. You guys provide excellent information that saves our staff tremendous amounts of time and energy."

Ohio State University

University of Washington

"Thanks so much for sending us your tapes. It is the only way we can effectively evaluate prospects for scholarship consideration."

University of Washington


"Just a note to tell you that your scouting report is excellent. Your format is very good. Keep up the great work - your report is outstanding."


Oklahoma State University

"We value the National Scouting Report for our own use and we believe you help high school athelte's chances of increasing their scholarship offers. You do a great job of supplying the major universities with the necessary information on the student-athlete."

Oklahoma State University

University of Miami

"National Scouting Report is the best service of its kind in America. We rely heavily on NSR to see as many kids as we can. I would highly recommend it to anyone who needs more exposure."

University of Miami

University of Michigan

"NSR has saved us priceless time in our quest to search out the best players in the country. NSR has truly benefited the University of Michigan. Keep up the great work."

University of Michigan


"As a coach for many years on the college level, I know how many kids your company has helped over the years. National Scouting Report has helped young people find an opportunity on the next level (college) for a long time. Your info on the athletes has always been accurate and up to date. That saves me, as a college recruiter, a lot of time. That in turn allows us to see more athletes. Keep up the good work."


Brevard College

"The National Scouting Report's website and sectional representatives have, in the past, and continue to be our primary source of recruiting information. Strapped with our limited budgets and time constraints, it is impossible to visit enough high school basketball games to field a competitive team."

Brevard College


"Thank you for your help in my recruiting efforts. I was drawn to your service through the internet. Your website is quite impressive and your response to my inquiry was quick. The format of NSR's individual profile sheets are pertinent to our recruiting needs. I am confident that my ability to build a strong Women's Soccer program will become a reality because of our partnership."


Long Island University

"We are a nationally competitive softball program and your program allows us to search for potential athletes all around the country with sources that we are unable to master alone. Your program has permitted us to establish more contacts nationwide, which has developed our program further. National Scouting Report allows the student athlete to get the national coverage, recognition, and attention that they deserve."

Long Island University

Auburn University

"National Scouting Report is the leading recruiting service in the country. I have the utmost respect for this company and what they do. They go after quality individuals who are serious about academics and athletics."

Auburn University

Kansas State University

"Your nationwide coverage really is of great value to us. Keep up the good work."

Kansas State University

Miami of Ohio

"With the limited evaluation days and number of times Division I coaches are allowed off campus, we have become heavily reliant on NSR to steer us toward potential recruits. We are excited about NSR's history and longevity in the recruiting arena. We place more credibility in a recruiting service, such as the National Scouting Report because of the relationships that have been built with the high school coaches during the past two decades."

Miami of Ohio

Purdue University

"Year in and year out, new services pop up only to fold the next year. As a recruiting coordinator, you learn over the years which ones you can count on and which ones you cannot. National Scouting Report has been extremely helpful over the years. They stay on the cutting edge of their business by maintaining a close contact with the recruiting coordinators and by adapting their services to better assist the specific needs of each program. This process could help many fine student athletes attain their dream of playing college athletics."

Purdue University

Arkansas State University

"I simply cannot believe that you are offering a scouting service of this quality at no cost. It seems as though our prayers have been answered since our budget is so limited. Thank you so much for your commitment to women's athletics."

Arkansas State University

Frostburg State University

"Recruiting is becoming more and more competitive each year and if a coach has yet to use your service, they are not keeping up with their competition. The internet service provides me a specific list of profiled athletes, along with the ability to watch streaming video of many of these athletes. This has been extremely beneficial to me and my staff."

Frostburg State University

What parents say about NSR

Three kids from one family placed by NSR

"We are writing to you today to let you know what National Scouting Report has meant to my husband and I. We first signed our daughter in 2003 being our first to go to college we had no idea of everything that had be done so Dave Johnson sat down with us and explained everything, what a great experience and so much knowledge was achieved. We felt so good about the program that when our next child was ready, we had no reservations about signing him up, and the same story goes for our youngest child who, with many tireless efforts by Dave, is going off to play football this year at Greenville College in Illinois.

We couldn't even begin to let you know how important being three times a member of the National Scouting Report means to our family, not only the money we saved through the program but the pride each child felt being accepted. Dave has such a positive attitude that it surely rubs off on everyone he meets. We will continue to refer student athletes to your exceptional program."

Wilmont Family might be one’s only chance to play intercollegiate sports.

"National Scouting Report has given me an opportunity to play collegiate baseball that would have been slim without the scouting service. National Scouting Report was family to me. I would suggest the National Scouting Report to those student-athletes who have the desire to further their education along with furthering their career in the sports they love to play. I would once again thank and recommend NSR. It might be one’s only chance to play intercollegiate sports."

Michael Picciano

Received over 100 letters from coaches

"National Scouting Report program has definitely been beneficial because of all the exposure it brings. At last count, we had received well over 100 letters from basketball and tennis coaches. We also received tons of personal calls from coaches and universities. Your program definitely works as advertised. The people at NSR in Alabama were always friendly and helpful, and in several cases on videos, went the extra mile to help us out. We were very pleased with the program."

Bob Dodson

Examples of daily college coach's email requests

Mercer University / GA / M&W Cross Country / Ryan Bailey

Freshman - Female cross country runners - Primarily southeast, but am open to any section of the country- Obviously, I want the fastest women possible. I would prefer runners who have demonstrated sub-19:00 5k ability or around >5: 15 1600m or> 11:15 3200m on the track. I will consider anyone who can consistently run sub-20:00 or >5:35 1600m and> 11:55 3200m - I prefer 3.5 gpa and/or 1200 or better on the math and critical reading portions of the SAT (27 ACT) - Requested more info on Erin Mulvenna (NJ)

UCLA / D1 Womens Basketball / Coach Perotti

We are in need of very good PGs and Posts 6'2 or better. If you have 2009's that can play for an upper D1 school we would like to evaluate them.

UMass Dartmouth / MA / Lacrosse - Shannon Curran

Jrs, Srs- All positions- Northeast primarily, but open to everything - requested more info on Devin Bowes (P A)

UT Chattanooga / TN / D1 Womens Basketball - Asst Coach Amanda Eaton

We are looking for a 2010 shooting guard and a post player that can play the 4 or the 5 spot at the D1 level.

Austin Peay / TN / D1 Womens Basketball - Coach Laphelia Doss

We are looking to fill THREE post positions for the 2009 class. This is a position we seriously need to fill so we aren't looking at 2009 guards. Thanks again for letting us know about players. If you know of any solid post players who are still open let us know.

Clemson University / SC / D1 Womens Basketball - Head Coach Cristy McKinney

We only have 2 scholarships for the '09 class. We already have a commitment from a point guard which we needed. We are looking for a very good, athletic power forward to fill our last scholarship.

McNeese State University / LA / Tennis - Urska Dobersek

Jrs, Srs - I am looking for position #1 through #3 - I am interested in recruiting in any area of the country and any country as well - I am looking for quality tennis players, aggressiveness, consistency, all court player - GPA above 3.0

University of South Alabama / Womens Soccer - Coach Mike Varga

Needs a midfielder for '09 everything 2010 except GK. Potential D1 players please.

Delta State University / Womens Soccer - Head Coach Jim Allen

Needs '09 Forwards, Outside Defenders, and a Keeper from anywhere including international players.

Austin Peay State University / TN / D1 Junior College Attendees Football - Vernon Wright

Looking for juniors and seniors - comers, defensive ends and tackles, outside linebackers, QB, WR, RB

University of Hawaii / D1 Football - Cal Lee

Requested video of Ryan Rau (CA)

Southern Miss / MS / Football - JeffBower

Requested video of Kramer Hagan (CA)

Oregon State / OR / D1 Football - Mike Riley

Requested video of Ryan Rau (CA)

University of South Carolina / D1 Football - Steve Spurrier

Requested video of Kramer Hagan (CA)

University of Oregon / OR / D1 Football - Mike Bellotti

Requested video of Kramer Hagan (CA)

Catawba College / NC / Softball - Shane Prescott

In need of a solid D2 Catcher for 09. has 5 pitchers and 1 catcher.

Austin Peay State University / TN / Softball - Casey Dickson

I need all your softball clients... to fill out our softball online questionnaire, no matter their talent level... let me decide that, we are a new coaching staff and are needing to evaluate all talent

Auburn University / AL / D1 Softball - Tina Deese

Freshman & Soph - 2010: comers, pitcher, outfield - all areas - D1 high level - NCAA. Please make sure 2009's are not sent to us at this point.

U of Tulsa / OK / D1 Softball - Kirin Kumar

Jrs- Pitcher, Shortstop- ACT of21 or higher, SAT equivalant, above 3.0 GPA

University of Alabama / AL / D1 Softball - Patrick Murphy

Soph & Jrs- 09: SS, 3rd base, Pitcher- Southeast- Speed and power - 3.0 gpa, 22 ACT

NSR Licensee Agreement

Download PDF Contract

NSR has developed unique programs intended to expose high school students to college and university recruiters. NSR has also developed a successful marketing plan, including procedures, formats, and products for the purpose of soliciting and obtaining prospects for a scouting and exposure business.

Licensee desires to enter into a high school scouting and exposure business (The Business). In order to commence the Business, Licensee desires to obtain rights to utilize the NSR Plan and receive training from NSR, and NSR agrees to provide the Plan and such training, upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

  2. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, NSR hereby grants to Licensee during the term of this agreement a license to use the Plan in connection with the operation of the Business. National Scouting Report, Inc. is an Alabama corporation and the only corporate business. Licensee hereby covenants that it will truthfully represent the services being offered by NSR as contained in all NSR prospect agreements. Licensee also acknowledges that its rights to the NSR Plan are subject to the limitations contained in this agreement.

    The term of this agreement shall be defined as the time from which the signed contract and payment are received by NSR to that time which the agreement is terminated through transfer of license by licensee or default of licensee under this Agreement as set forth in paragraph 13 herein.

  4. NSR agrees not to appoint any other licensee within this marketing area so long as the area is producing a minimum of 25 prospect sales for the first year and 50 prospect sales annually thereafter. This quota will begin effective 90 days from the date of training. This figure is based on what NSR considers to be less than 10% of the minimum number of qualified prospects for its service in the area each year. If the required quota is not consummated in the area each year, NSR may, at its option, appoint another licensee in the area. Licensee agrees that it holds no exclusive rights to the area and that NSR is under no obligation, financial or otherwise, to the licensee so long as all quotas and provisions of this agreement have not been met. NSR at its discretion may allow licensee to continue operating the business as usual, however, NSR shall have the option to appoint a new licensee without obligation or notice if the quota is not satisfactorily met. If the required quota is consummated in the area each year, NSR agrees that the Licensee continues to hold exclusive rights to the marketing area and that NSR shall not appoint another licensee in the marketing area.

  5. FEES
  6. The license fee for the Plan is $30,000.00. This amount is to be paid in full before arrival for training. This agreement will be considered consummated at the time NSR receives the signed contract and payment.

  8. Training shall be conducted at NSR National headquarters, 50 Kent Stone Way, Unit 310, Alabaster, AL. or a site mutually agreed upon. The training program will include a standard orientation of the scouting business, NSR policies and procedures, successful prospecting and scouting methods, interviewing and sales procedures, advertising methods, recruiting and managing scouts and other personnel, pay plans, orientation of college athletic scholarships, academics and financial aid. Except for the purchase price, Licensee shall not be required to make any direct payments to NSR with respect to the Plan or any other services to be rendered by NSR. The training program will be offered free of additional charge, but Licensee shall bear the costs of travel to and from training. Lodging and meals will be provided by NSR, not including personal expenses of the person attending the training. If more than one person attends, a fee of $200 per additional person will be added.

  10. NSR shall provide unlimited ongoing telephone consultation, support and assistance to Licensee as and when requested by Licensee during regular business hours throughout the term. NSR shall also provide assistance to Licensee's operation of the Business by providing updated memoranda regarding the scouting industry and new products and services which may be available to clients of Licensee. NSR may also provide national advertising and exposure through the "Internet" system, media releases, coaches conventions, college direct mailings, FAX mail promotions, and other various forms of recognition programs.

  11. THE PLAN
  12. During the training, NSR shall provide Licensee with a copy of its confidential operations manual, together with certain other confidential trade and operating procedures and methods. NSR will also provide a manual containing certain reference, background and promotional materials about the scouting business and NSR. Included will be letters to NSR from colleges and clients, examples of promotional materials and statistical information. This information is the property of NSR and may not be copied without the written permission of NSR. At the expiration or termination of this agreement Licensee shall return to NSR all documents and other materials received or created from materials received from NSR (including all full or partial copies of those documents and materials).

  14. Licensee shall independently do business under its own name (or fictitious business name) and account in offering its scouting services to the public. Licensee may represent that it provides services offered by NSR. Licensee shall submit copies of all of its advertising and promotional material to NSR at least seven (7) days prior to publication or dissemination so that NSR may determine whether such materials comply with NSR policies. NSR will make all reasonable efforts to respond to Licensee within 24 hours of receipt for these requests by the Licensee. Any failure of NSR to promptly respond to any materials in violation of its policies shall not constitute a waiver of any right of NSR hereunder. The NSR policies referenced in this paragraph are as followed:

    NSR will provide advertising/sponsorship money and or supplies for National and State events. These expenses must be pre-approved by NSR. National events held will be covered at 100% and State events will be covered at 50%. NSR has banners and a display booth available for loan for these events with adequate notice for shipping.

  16. During the term of this Agreement, Licensee may operate its business in any manner it deems appropriate, except that such operations shall not be inconsistent with NSR policies and Licensee shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and shall not make any misrepresentations or promises that cannot be fulfilled. Licensee agrees not to offer or enter into any business in direct competition with NSR during the term of this agreement.

  18. Licensee agrees to defend at its own cost and to indemnify and hold harmless NSR, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, affiliates and agents, from and against any and all loss, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees), damages and liabilities, however caused, resulting directly or indirectly from or pertaining to the operations of the Business of Licensee and/or material breach of this Agreement.

    NSR agrees to indemnify licensee, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, affiliates and agents from and against any and all loss, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), damages and liabilities, however caused, resulting directly or indirectly from or pertaining to NSR’s operations of the Business and/or material breach of this agreement.

    Under no circumstance shall the parties to this Agreement be liable to each other for indirect, consequential, special, or exemplary damages. The liability of the parties to each other under any circumstances shall not exceed $30,000.00 the amount of this Agreement.

  20. A. Transfer by NSR

    This Agreement is fully assignable by Licensee provided that quota of prospect sales has been consummated in the area. This quota shall apply on transfers or sales after any partial year of lapsed time of licensee ownership. If the quota is not met, a value of $600.00 shall be placed on each prospect agreement short of the quota. This amount shall be deducted from the licensee's share of the sale or transfer of the business. It is the licensee's responsibility to obtain any new buyer for the business. However, licensee may request that NSR sell his business and if NSR does, it will be paid an additional 30% of the sale.

    B. Transfer by Licensee

    This Agreement is fully assignable by Licensee, provided that all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

    (a) All of Licensee's accrued monetary obligations to NSR, if any, shall have been satisfied;

    (b) Licensee shall have executed a general release in a form satisfactory to NSR effective as of the date of transfer, of any and all claims against NSR and its officers, directors, shareholders, and employees, in their corporate and individual capacities, including, without limitation, claims arising under federal, state, and local laws, rules, and ordinances;

    (c) The transferee purchaser shall enter into a written assumption agreement in a form satisfactory to NSR, assuming and agreeing to discharge all of Licensee's obligations under this Agreement prior to and after the date of the assumptions;

    (d) The transferee purchaser shall demonstrate to NSR's satisfaction that it meets NSR's reasonable educational, managerial, and business standards; possesses a good moral character, business reputation, and credit rating; has the aptitude and ability to operate the Business (as may be evidenced by prior related business experience or otherwise); and has adequate financial resources and capital to operate the Business;

    (e) The transferee purchaser shall execute NSR's then current standard form license agreement and other ancillary agreements as NSR may require.

    (f) At transferee purchaser's expense, and upon such other terms and conditions as NSR may reasonably require, the transferee purchaser or its manager shall complete the training course then in effect for Licensees;

    (g) Either Licensee or the transferee Licensee shall pay to NSR a transfer fee of 25% of the current contract fee to cover NSR's administrative, training and other expenses in connection with the transfer; and

    (h) Licensee shall not sell sub-licensees or agents exclusive areas whereas such sub-licensee or agent is required to pay more than $500, unless otherwise specified in this agreement. NSR shall not be obligated in any way to any sub-licensee or sub-agent. NSR will only recognize the licensee in regards to any obligations or communication.

  22. Licensee acknowledges NSR's right, title and interest in and to the NSR Plan, along with the identification schemes, standards, specifications, operating procedures, and other concepts embodied in the Plan. Except as expressly provided by this Agreement, Licensee shall acquire no right, title or interest therein, and any and all goodwill associated with the Plan and the NSR Trademark shall inure exclusively to NSR's benefit.

    Licensee acknowledges and agrees that many items and the information included in the Plan constitute trade secrets of NSR which are revealed to Licensee in confidence. Licensee agrees to adhere fully and strictly to all confidentiality of such information and to exercise the highest degree of diligence in safeguarding NSR's trade secrets during and after the term of this Agreement. Licensee shall divulge such material only to Licensee's employees and agents only to the extent necessary to permit the effective operation of its Business. Licensee agrees that it will not, at any time during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter: (I) use or attempt to use any or all of the Trademark or any name or mark similar to the Trademark or use or attempt to use any or all portions of the Plan in connection with any other entity or business in which it has an interest, direct or indirect, or as any part of the name of the entity operating a similar business, including any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or sole proprietorship; (ii) disclose, duplicate, reveal, sell or sublicense any or all portions of the Plan or of the Trademark or seek to transfer any rights therein, except as authorized in this Agreement; or (iii) directly or indirectly, commit an act of infringement or contest or aid in contesting the validity or ownership of the trademark or take any other action specifically in derogation thereof. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that NSR may at its discretion develop new programs and services, change present programs and services and regulate prices of its services from time to time so long as commission percentages to the licensee remains constant. NSR may also change its policies and procedures regarding the operation of its business as it deems necessary.

  24. In all matters pertaining to the operation of the Business, Licensee is and shall be an independent contractor. No employee of Licensee shall be deemed to be an employee or agent of NSR. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture or agency between Licensee and NSR. Neither party hereto shall be liable for the debts or obligations of the other unless expressly assumed in writing. Licensee does not have, and shall not hold itself out as having, any right, power or authority to create any contract or obligation, either express or implied, on behalf of, or in the name of or binding upon NSR with the exception of current and future authorized and approved prospect agreements between NSR and the prospect.

  26. A. Termination

    NSR may elect without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which it may have hereunder, at law or in equity to terminate this Agreement and Licensee's rights hereunder upon occurrence of any of the following, which shall constitute a default by Licensee under this Agreement:

    (i) Licensee's failure to fulfill all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement in any material respect, including but not limited to the prompt payment of any sum due by virtue of this Agreement.

    (ii) Licensee's abandonment of the Business by failure to operate same for six (6) consecutive months unless such failure to operate is due to fire, flood, earthquake or other similar causes beyond Licensee's control.

    (iii) Any affirmative act of bankruptcy or insolvency by Licensee or the filing by Licensee or a third party of any petition or action in bankruptcy or insolvency, or the failure to vacate or dismiss any such proceedings within sixty (60) days after filing, or the appointment of a receiver for Licensee or any part of its property, or any assignment for the benefit of creditors of Licensee, if not dismissed within fifteen (15) days of appointment or assignment, as the case may be; or Licensee is not paying its debts as they become due, or otherwise contesting in good faith, or the sum of Licensee's debts is greater than all of Licensee’s assets.

    (iv) Any attempted transfer of the Licensee in violation of the policy stated herein;

    (v) Any misrepresentation by Licensee relating to the Business or conduct by Licensee which reflects materially and unfavorably upon the operation and reputation of NSR or the Plan;

    (vi) Licensee’s failure to fulfill quota obligations as stated in Section 2 of this contract.

    B. Obligations Upon Termination

    Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall forthwith:

    (i) Cease using the Plan in the Business and shall not thereafter, directly or indirectly, represent to the public or hold itself out as a present or former independent contractor of NSR;

    (ii) Immediately and permanently cease to use, by advertising or in any manner whatsoever, any equipment, materials, confidential methods, procedures, and techniques associated with the Plan; and

    (iii) Turn over to NSR the operations manual and all copies of all records, files, instructions, correspondence, agreements, and any and all other materials relating to the business operated hereunder in Licensee's possession, and all copies directly related to correspondence with NSR, (all of which are hereby acknowledged to be NSR's sole property).

  28. NSR shall be entitled, without bond, to the entry of temporary and permanent injunctions and orders of specific performance enforcing the provisions of this Agreement relating to (i) Licensee's unauthorized use of the NSR Trademark; (ii) the obligations of Licensee upon termination or expiration of this Agreement; (iii) an assignment or transfer of the Business or any ownership interest therein; and (iv) as necessary to prohibit any act or omission by Licensee or its employees that would constitute a violation of any applicable law, ordinance, or regulation, or which is dishonest or misleading to NSR and/or NSR other purchasers or licensees.

  30. All notices, requests, demands, payments, consents and other communications hereunder shall be transmitted in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when sent by registered or certified United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt.

  32. NSR makes no guarantee of earnings or has or will provide Licensee with statements concerning range of earnings. Licensee enters into this agreement at its own risk for any and all losses which it may incur.

  34. Licensee acknowledges that NSR is providing no "buy-back","protection" or "secured investment" arrangement of any nature whatsoever which would serve to protect Licensee from the loss of any purchases or payments hereunder. Subject to the provisions of this agreement, all licenses issued hereunder are final.

  36. Licensee hereby represents and warrants to NSR that it is acting freely and voluntarily in entering into this agreement and that Licensee is not relying on any representation or statement made by NSR or NSR's representatives which are not included in this Agreement or in the written disclosure and information documentation which have been received by Licensee.

  38. A. Further Acts

    The parties agree to execute such other documents and perform such further acts as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement.

    B. Heirs and Successors

    This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns.

    C. Entire Agreement

    This Agreements represents the entire understandings between the parties and supersedes all other negotiations, agreements, representations and covenants, oral or written, other than any other agreement executed by NSR and Licensee in connection herewith. This Agreement may not be modified executed by a written instrument signed by both NSR and Licensee. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that NSR has made no promises or warranties to Licensee concerning the profitability or likelihood or success of the business, that he has been informed by NSR that there can be no guarantee of success of the business, that he has been informed by NSR that there can be no guarantee of success in the licensed business and that Licensees business ability and aptitude are primary in determining his success. The parties intend this Agreement to be the entire integration of all of their agreements of any nature. No other agreements, representations, promises, commitments or the like, of any nature exist between the parties, except as set forth or otherwise referenced herein.

    D. Waiver

    Failure by either party to enforce any rights under this Agreement shall not be construed as waiver of such rights. Any waiver, including waiver of default, in any one instance shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver in any other instance. Any acceptance of money or other performance by NSR from Licensee shall not constitute a waiver of any default except as to the payment of the particular payment or performance so received.

    E. Attorneys' Fees

    If NSR has to commence any legal action against Licensee party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, NSR shall be entitled to have and recover from Licensee its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit in enforcing this agreement. If Licensee has to commence any legal action against NSR arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, Licensee shall be entitled to have and recover from NSR its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit in enforcing this agreement.

    F. Governing Law; Venue

    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Alabama; however, if this Agreement concerns a business located in a state other than such state and the laws of that state require terms other than those or in addition to those contained herein, then this Agreement shall be deemed modified so as to comply with the appropriate laws of such state, but only to the extent necessary to prevent the invalidity of this Agreement or any provision hereof the imposition of fines or penalties, or the creation of civil or criminal liability on account thereof. Any provision of this Agreement which may be determined by competent authority to be prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of the prohibition or un-enforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Any invalidity of any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion and unless substantial performance of this Agreement is frustrated by any such invalidity, this Agreement shall not invalidate the provision or render it unenforceable in ant other jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Licensee waives any provision of law which renders any provision of the Agreement prohibited or unenforceable in any respect. NSR and Licensee agree that the sole venue for any lawsuits between NSR and Licensee shall be in any state or federal court within the State of Alabama. Licensee hereby submits to the jurisdiction of such courts and waives any objection it may have to those courts based on an alleged lack of personal jurisdiction.

    G. Counterparts

    This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    H. Severability

    In the event that any term or provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the Agreement shall not fail, but shall be deemed amended to delete the void or unenforceable term or provision, and the remainder of this Agreement shall be enforced in accordance with its terms and shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. In the event that any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be unreasonable, the same shall not fail, but shall be deemed amended only to the extent necessary to render it reasonable, and the parties agree to be bound by the same as thus amended.


In connection with the attached License Agreement , the undersigned and National Scouting Report mutually covenant, stipulate and agree, in connection with the resolution of any dispute arising out of or relating to or concerning all of the contract(s) and agreements entered into by the parties of and concerning the relationship or duties of the parties, and business relationships resulting therefrom, that the agreements evidence transactions involving and affecting interstate commerce. The undersigned agree that all disputes not barred by applicable statutes of limitations, whether denominated as a claim, counter-claim, cross claim or third party claim, resulting from or arising out of or relating to or concerning the transaction entered into (including but not limited to: the terms of this agreement and all clauses herein contained, their breadth, scope and interpretation, and any term of any agreement contemporaneously, previously or hereafter entered into by the parties; the representations, promises, undertakings, warranties or covenants made by National Scouting Report) shall be submitted to BINDING ARBITRATION, pursuant to the provisions of 9 U.S.C. Section 1, et seq. and according to the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association (the AAA) then existing in Shelby County, Alabama, except as follows: (a) In all disputes in which the matter in controversy exceeds $20,000, National Scouting Report shall select one arbitrator; the licensee shall select one arbitrator; and the two arbitrators so selected shall select a neutral arbitrator from a list of at least 10 arbitrators suppled by the American Arbitration Association (b) An arbitrator or arbitrators impaneled to hear any dispute brought before them shall be empowered to enter an award of such damages, fees and costs, and grant such other relief, as allowed by law. Any party to this agreement who fails or refuses to arbitrate in accordance with the terms of this predispute binding arbitration agreement shall, in addition to any other relief awarded through arbitration, be taxed by the arbitrator or arbitrators with all of the costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, of any other party who had to resort to judicial or other relief in compelling arbitration in accordance with the terms herein contained. Further information about arbitration can be obtained directly from the AAA, Atlanta, GA, by calling the AAA at 404/325-0101 or from a review of AAA’s Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE AGREED TO WAIVE THE UNDERSIGNED(S)’ RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JUDGE OR JURY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION ON THIS DATE FOR THE PRICE AND FOR ALL OF THE OTHER TERMS AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES. THIS ARBITRATION SHALL BE IN LIEU OF ANY CIVIL LITIGATION IN ANY COURT AND IN LIEU OF ANY TRIAL BY JUDGE OR JURY.

Schedule A


NSR offers various scouting services for promoting high school students to colleges. These services are free to all colleges, however, clients who sign up for the various NSR scouting and promotional services shall pay NSR a fee. The amount of the fee and an explanation of the services are outlined on a NSR prospect agreement.

Licensee shall be paid a commission of 50% of the prospect promotional plans. All commissions will be paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month. Commissions will paid on these dates when the completed prospect paperwork is turned in. On financed contracts, the Licensee will be paid 50% of the payments as they are paid to NSR. These commissions will be paid on the 15th of the month from payments made the previous month.

Schedule B


As part of your territory fee, NSR will supply the following to you one time as your Starter Kit. Supplies then must be purchased through regular channels described in the Operations Manual.


When you purchase a territory license, you become partners with NSR. Each party has their own responsibilities in the business and shares equally in the revenue from the business. The following numbers will help you determine the income potential and what you can reasonably expect as an NSR licensed owner.


Market Saturation

There's an endless number of potential prospects for our business, and unlike most other businesses, we can never saturate the market. As one group of athletes graduate, another larger group takes their place.

Your Income

Your income will primarily be determined by your efforts and what you put into the business. If you put in only part-time effort, you can expect part-time income. However, if you put in the effort we recommend and desire for every NSR owner, your income could be quite substantial. As you can see, the potential is there and there are no limits to your success.

Expansion Potential

You probably know several people who would like to work for you as a college sports scout. These are individuals who have an interest in sports ans would live to get out to sporting events and visit with prospects, parents and coaches. It's a galmorous position and definitely a lot of fun. You could hire some of these individuals to work for you, which could increase your business substantially. Typically, a licensee would pay a scout 25% of the program cost, or half the amount the licensee earns. This means, based on our earlier projections, you would earn $700 average on every prospect that one of your scouts enrolls in the program.