National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.
If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.
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We see thousands upon thousands of high school prospects each year whose stated dream is to play college athletics. They’ve thought about it for years. Talked about it with family and friends. Yet, so many of these talented, young athletes never get beyond wishing and hoping. Why? They and their parents have not a clue how to make it happen.
Being an adult may make your parents smarter and wiser, but it doesn’t make them experts about college recruiting. So, you might ask, who are the real experts? College coaches and scouts who work with college coaches every day, not those pseudo-scouts who sit in an high-rise downtown office and call you from a tournament roster list. That’s not scouting. That’s telemarketing. A scout is somebody who is on the ground scouting every day watching and evaluating prospects because it’s the first, vital step in their job. See the athlete. Meet the athlete. Assess the athlete. That’s what a college scout does.

What you’ve been told by the people around you might make perfect sense and to a certain extent, what they say is valid. Work hard in practice. Check. Go to summer camps at colleges. Check. Play club, travel or AAU sports. Done. You’re ready and yet…nothing? No calls, questionnaires, detectable interest or even sniffs from college coaches? So, what’s the dang deal here? Isn’t that what you were told to do and you’re dreams would come true? Then you ask, How could my coaches and friends of my parents who went through this 20 years ago be wrong?
Well, it ain’t you, child. It’s the way most people still think about recruiting. You know, like 1985 was yesterday. If that’s the case, then why not use 1985 equipment, 1985 uniforms. Oh, and drive a 1985 car while you’re at it. It’s a by-gone time and they are stuck in it. Don’t let that happen to you. Fight for your time. Fight for your future.
A lot of people think recruiting is still the way it was in 1985, but they are wrong. Worse, you’re the one who has to pay the price in the end. The only way to avoid it happening is to buck the trend and do something different. Something bold. Something which makes complete common sense when you think about it. Think about these facts:

Fact: Only about one in 25 high school senior athletes in America go on to play college athletics.
Fact: Twenty-four out of 25 high school seniors will never have the chance to play college sports.
Fact: This is a tech savvy era in recruiting.
Fact: If you work hard, play on a travel team and then wait to see what happens, you have a 10% chance of being recruited.
Fact: If you qualify, are accepted and then promoted to college coaches by National Scouting Report, you have more than a 90% chance of receivoing a scholarship offer in NCAA Division I or II, the NAIA, the NJCAA or a roster offer in NCAA DIII.
Which group do you want to be in? Then, do something about it today. Don’t waste another moment. Fill out the Freee Evaluation form on our Web site home page. Do it.
Then, sit down with your parents and educate them. Tell them the facts and what you want to do about it. Give them the reasons to take a path which will get you where you want to go. Be diligent. Be strong. It’s your future.
National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.