National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.
If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.
Get Scouted Scouting CareersFocus on Your Ultimate Objective Until You Find “It”

Assume nothing as you search for everything you want in a college. Far too often high school prospects take the word and opinion of others about which schools and programs are excellent, good, okay or unacceptable. Those opinions are based on their unique perspectives, not yours. The things which may be important to someone else, may in fact have no real bearing on your priorities, needs and objectives.
Consider all options which present themselves to you, even if the first school you visit or coach you talk to appears to be ideal. Remember that every college and coach is putting their best foot forward in an attempt to lure you to their campus for four years. It’s their obligation and main goal. Beyond all the smiles and promises, real life exists and that is where you will live, study and play sports.
From the moment you arrive on a campus, you will have a gut reaction. That feeling will grow, one way or the other, throughout your visit and meetings with school officials. Pay attention. Set aside all the hoopla and back patting. Look deeper into yourself because this is one of the most important decisions of your life. Note the red flags as well as all the highlights of your stay. Leave nothing to chance. Turn over every stone. Ask meaningful questions. Listen. And ask yourself, “Is this where I want to be?”
There is a very good reason that we read about college freshmen and sophomores transferring from one college to another — there were most likely certain, uncomfortable things about the school, the coach or the team which were discounted, overlooked or ignored for the sake of momentary enthusiasm and relief at having the decision behind them.
Mistakes in decision making can happen, but if you work hard on the front end of the process, you can avoid making a commitment which you know instinctively is not really right for you. Then there is this: the recruiting process can be tiring and overwhelming. But, like a tough series of pre-season workouts and practices, to be a winner you must fight through the fatigue and remain focused on your objective.
At NSR, our scouts are trained to help you assess your options. Our success is your success, so depend on us to give you the personal guidance and advice which will help you see all sides of your opportunities. We will never tell you what to do, but we will give you a keen view of colleges and sports which you cannot get anywhere else.
National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.