With Expenses Going Up, What’s a Parent Supposed to Do?

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

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NSR Offers an Option Parents Can Rely on to Connect Their Children with College Coaches

Brynn Baca, a 2014 grad from Round Rock, Texas, depends on NSR to connect her with college coaches.

Money is getting tighter as the expenses of high school and club sports continue to escalate. Parents are feeling the brunt of choosing which path to take with their athlete children. Do they focus on high school sports and hope for the best, find a club team that plays a limited schedule to reduce the parents’ financial obligation, or do they fall further behind on their credit cards? It’s a double-edge sword to be sure.

But, there is a viable alternative parents should consider: National Scouting Report. With over 31 years of success in helping high school athletes secure college scholarship offers, young athletes in any situation can rest assured that their talents will be promoted aggressively to college coaches. A wide array of targeted as well as broadcast promotions put NSR athletes front and center in the minds of college coaches which are also facing budget cuts and rising travel expenditures of their own. Putting the athletes and coaches together without the exorbitant costs associated with high-end club sports allows families to explore options as coaches across America receive their profile and video handed to them via the most current technological methods.  The connection happens time and again.

At NSR, athletes choose specific colleges each year to receive their updated information and video. Plus, NSR is constantly distributing and making available each prospect’s data file to every college coach in their sport. Coaches respond to NSR promotions because of our unique approach to scouting. Our scouts actually evaluate athletes in person and coaches know that no every prep athlete can be a part of NSR’s distinctive and selective programs. Unlike other less particular scouting organizations which either do not have firsthand knowledge of their clients or accept any athlete wanting to download a resume, NSR athletes are fully vetted for their athletic and academic qualifications along with providing additional support of a young athlete’s character references.

The NSR Way points toward one thing: an athlete coaches know have been scouted and cleared by the most reliable team of professions in the scouting industry. No other scouting organization so painstakingly goes about their business to provide college coaches with such dependable prospects.

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.

Get Scouted  Scouting Careers

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