Get Evaluated by NSR Soccer

How to Make the Most of College Soccer Camps

The path to playing college soccer starts with standing out in a competitive recruiting landscape. While the process may seem overwhelming, attending college soccer camps can provide a game-changing opportunity to showcase your skills directly to coaches.

NSR goes beyond just getting you to the camp—we ensure you get noticed. Before the camp begins, we notify college coaches about your abilities, sharing your video highlights and NSR Recruiting Portal. We also send the Camp Director a Letter of Recommendation, making sure you’re evaluated as a potential recruit, not just another camper.

Take the first step toward your college soccer dream. Get evaluated today and let NSR help you stand out at your next camp!


College Soccer Camps

State Camp
TXAbilene Christian University
CAAcademy of Art University
COAdams State University
NYAdelphi University
MIAdrian College
GAAgnes Scott College
ALAlabama A&M University
ALAlabama State University
GAAlbany State University
CTAlbertus Magnus College
MIAlbion College
PAAlbright College
MSAlcorn State University
VAAlderson Broaddus University
NYAlfred University
PAAllegheny College
SCAllen University
MIAlma College
PAAlvernia University
WIAlverno College
MAAmerican International College
DCAmerican University
MAAmherst College
INAnderson University – Indiana
SCAnderson University – South Carolina
TXAngelo State University
MAAnna Maria College
NCAppalachian State University
PAArcadia University
AZArizona State University
ARArkansas State University
KYAsbury University
OHAshland University
MAAssumption University
ALAuburn University
ALAuburn University – Montgomery
MNAugsburg University
ILAugustana College – Illinois
SDAugustana University – South Dakota
ILAurora University
TXAustin College
TNAustin Peay State University
VAAverett University
CAAzusa Pacific University
MABabson College
OHBaldwin Wallace University
INBall State University
FLBarry University
NCBarton College
MEBates College
TXBaylor University
MSBelhaven University
KYBellarmine University
NCBelmont Abbey College
TNBelmont University
WIBeloit College
MNBemidji State University
ILBenedictine University
MABentley University
KYBerea College
GABerry College
WVBethany College – West Virginia
MNBethany Lutheran College
MNBethel University – Minnesota
CABiola University
ALBirmingham-Southern College
SDBlack Hills State University
ILBlackburn College
NJBloomfield College
PABloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
VABluefield State College
OHBluffton University
IDBoise State University
MABoston College
MABoston University
MEBowdoin College
OHBowling Green State University
MABrandeis University
TNBrevard College
VABridgewater College
MABridgewater State University
UTBrigham Young University
RIBrown University
RIBryant University
PABryn Mawr College
PABucknell University
IABuena Vista University
INButler University
PACabrini University
PACairn University
CACal Poly Humboldt
NJCaldwell University
CACalifornia Baptist University
CACalifornia Institute of Technology
CACalifornia Lutheran University
CACalifornia Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo
CACalifornia State Polytechnic University – Pomona
CACalifornia State University – Bakersfield
CACalifornia State University – Chico
CACalifornia State University – Dominguez Hills
CACalifornia State University – East Bay
CACalifornia State University – Fresno
CACalifornia State University – Fullerton
CACalifornia State University – Long Beach
CACalifornia State University – Los Angeles
CACalifornia State University – Monterey Bay
CACalifornia State University – Northridge
CACalifornia State University – Sacramento
CACalifornia State University – San Bernardino
CACalifornia State University – San Marcos
CACalifornia State University – Stanislaus
PACalifornia University of Pennsylvania
MICalvin University
NCCampbell University
NYCanisius College
OHCapital University
MNCarleton College
PACarnegie Mellon University
WICarroll University
TNCarson-Newman University
WICarthage College
OHCase Western Reserve University
VTCastleton University
NCCatawba College
DCCatholic University of America
NYCazenovia College
PACedar Crest College
OHCedarville University
LACentenary College of Louisiana
NJCentenary University – New Jersey
IACentral College
CTCentral Connecticut State University
MICentral Michigan University
WACentral Washington University
KYCentre College
HIChaminade University of Honolulu
CAChapman University
SCCharleston Southern University
PAChatham University
PAChestnut Hill College
ILChicago State University
NCChowan University
TNChristian Brothers University
VAChristopher Newport University
CAClaremont-Mudd-Scripps Colleges
PAClarion University of Pennsylvania
MAClark University
PAClarks Summit University
NYClarkson University
GAClayton State University
SCClemson University
OHCleveland State University
SCCoastal Carolina University
IACoe College
SCCoker University
MEColby College
NHColby-Sawyer College
NYColgate University
SCCollege of Charleston
NYCollege of Mount Saint Vincent
MNCollege of Saint Benedict
MACollege of the Holy Cross
OHCollege of Wooster
COColorado Christian University
COColorado College
COColorado Mesa University
COColorado School of Mines
COColorado State University
COColorado State University – Pueblo
NYColumbia University
GAColumbus State University
WVConcord University
MNConcordia College – Minnesota
ILConcordia University – Chicago
CAConcordia University – Irvine
TXConcordia University – Texas
WIConcordia University Wisconsin
MNConcordia University, St. Paul – Minnesota
CTConnecticut College
SCConverse University
IACornell College
NYCornell University
GACovenant College
NECreighton University
MNCrown College
NYCulinary Institute of America
MACurry College
NYD'Youville College
NYDaemen University
TXDallas Baptist University
NHDartmouth College
MIDavenport University
NCDavidson College
VADavis & Elkins College
MADean College
OHDefiance College
DEDelaware State University
PADelaware Valley University
MSDelta State University
OHDenison University
ILDePaul University
INDePauw University
PADeSales University
PADickinson College
ILDominican University – Illinois
NYDominican University – New York
CADominican University of California
IADrake University
NJDrew University
PADrexel University
MODrury University
NCDuke University
PADuquesne University
INEarlham College
NCEast Carolina University
OKEast Central University
PAEast Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
TNEast Tennessee State University
TXEast Texas Baptist University
CTEastern Connecticut State University
ILEastern Illinois University
KYEastern Kentucky University
VAEastern Mennonite University
MIEastern Michigan University
MAEastern Nazarene College
NMEastern New Mexico University
PAEastern University
WAEastern Washington University
FLEckerd College
WIEdgewood College
PAEdinboro University
FLEdward Waters University
PAElizabethtown College
ILElmhurst University
NYElmira College
MAElms College
NCElon University
FLEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University
MAEmerson College
GAEmmanuel College – Georgia
MAEmmanuel College – Massachusetts
VAEmory & Henry College
GAEmory University
KSEmporia State University
MAEndicott College
SCErskine College
ILEureka College
CTFairfield University
NJFairleigh Dickinson University
NJFairleigh Dickinson University – College at Florham
VAFairmont State University
NJFelician University
MIFerris State University
VAFerrum College
MIFinlandia University
MAFitchburg State University
FLFlagler College – St. Augustine
FLFlorida Atlantic University
FLFlorida Gulf Coast University
FLFlorida International University
FLFlorida Southern College
FLFlorida State University
FLFlorida Tech
MOFontbonne University
NYFordham University
KSFort Hays State University
COFort Lewis College
MAFramingham State University
SCFrancis Marion University
OHFranciscan University of Steubenville
PAFranklin & Marshall College
INFranklin College
NHFranklin Pierce University
CAFresno Pacific University
MDFrostburg State University
SCFurman University
DCGallaudet University
PAGannon University
NCGardner-Webb University
PAGeneva College
ORGeorge Fox University
VAGeorge Mason University
DCGeorge Washington University
DCGeorgetown University
GAGeorgia College & State University
GAGeorgia Southern University
GAGeorgia Southwestern State University
GAGeorgia State University
NJGeorgian Court University
PAGettysburg College
WVGlenville State University
DEGoldey-Beacom College
WAGonzaga University
MAGordon College
MDGoucher College
LAGrambling State University
AZGrand Canyon University
MIGrand Valley State University
NCGreensboro College
ILGreenville University
IAGrinnell College
PAGrove City College
NCGuilford College
MNGustavus Adolphus College
PAGwynedd Mercy University
NYHamilton College
MNHamline University
VAHampton University
INHanover College
TXHardin-Simmons University
ARHarding University
NYHartwick College
MAHarvard University
PAHaverford College
HIHawaii Pacific University
OHHeidelberg University
ARHendrix College
NCHigh Point University
NYHilbert College
OHHiram College
NYHobart & William Smith College
NYHofstra University
VAHollins University
PAHoly Family University
CAHoly Names University
MDHood College
MIHope College
NYHoughton College
TXHouston Baptist University
TXHoward Payne University
DCHoward University
ALHuntingdon College
MEHusson University
IDIdaho State University
ILIllinois College
ILIllinois Institute of Technology
ILIllinois State University
ILIllinois Wesleyan University
PAImmaculata University
INIndiana State University
INIndiana University
PAIndiana University of Pennsylvania
INIndiana University-Purdue University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)
NYIona College
IAIowa State University
NYIthaca College
MSJackson State University
ALJacksonville State University
FLJacksonville University
VAJames Madison University
OHJohn Carroll University
MDJohns Hopkins University
RIJohnson & Wales University – Providence
MIKalamazoo College
KSKansas State University
NJKean University
NHKeene State College
GAKennesaw State University
OHKent State University
KYKentucky Wesleyan College
OHKenyon College
NYKeuka College
PAKeystone College
TNKing University – Tennessee
PAKing's College – Pennsylvania
ILKnox College
PAKutztown University of Pennsylvania
PALa Roche University
PALa Salle University
PALafayette College
GALaGrange College
OHLake Erie College
ILLake Forest College
WILakeland University
TXLamar University
PALancaster Bible College
SCLander University
MALasell University
WILawrence University
NYLe Moyne College
PALebanon Valley College
TNLee University
NCLees-McRae College
PALehigh University
NCLenoir-Rhyne University
MALesley University
ORLewis & Clark College
ILLewis University
VALiberty University
SCLimestone University
TNLincoln Memorial University
PALincoln University Pennsylvania
MOLindenwood University
ORLinfield University
TNLipscomb University
PALock Haven University
NYLong Island University
VALongwood University
IALoras College
LALouisiana State University (LSU)
LALouisiana Tech University
CALoyola Marymount University
ILLoyola University Chicago
MDLoyola University Maryland
TXLubbock Christian University
IALuther College
PALycoming College
FLLynn University
MNMacalester College
MEMaine Maritime Academy
OHMalone University
INManchester University
KSManhattan Christian College
NYManhattan College
NYManhattanville College
PAMansfield University of Pennsylvania
WIMaranatha Baptist University
WIMarian University – Wisconsin
OHMarietta College
NYMarist College
WIMarquette University
NCMars Hill University
WVMarshall University
MNMartin Luther College
VAMary Baldwin University
VAMarymount University (VA)
TNMaryville College
MOMaryville University
PAMarywood University
MAMassachusetts College of Liberal Arts
MAMassachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT
MDMcDaniel College
ILMcKendree University
TXMcMurry University
LAMcNeese State University
NYMedaille University
GAMercer University
NYMercy College
PAMercyhurst University
NCMeredith College
MAMerrimack College
PAMessiah University
NCMethodist University
COMetropolitan State University of Denver
OHMiami University
MIMichigan State University
MIMichigan Technological University
TNMiddle Tennessee State University
VTMiddlebury College
TXMidwestern State University
PAMillersville University of Pennsylvania
ILMillikin University
CAMills College
MSMillsaps College
WIMilwaukee School of Engineering
MNMinnesota State University – Mankato
MNMinnesota State University – Moorhead
NDMinot State University
PAMisericordia University
MSMississippi College
MSMississippi State University
MSMississippi Valley State University
MOMissouri Southern State University
MOMissouri State University
MOMissouri University of Science & Technology
MOMissouri Western State University
CTMitchell College
NYMolloy College
ILMonmouth College
NJMonmouth University
MTMontana State University – Billings
NJMontclair State University
PAMoravian University
KYMorehead State University
PAMount Aloysius College
MAMount Holyoke College
WIMount Mary University
NYMount Saint Mary College – New York
OHMount St. Joseph University
MDMount St. Mary's University
PAMuhlenberg College
KYMurray State University
OHMuskingum University
NYNazareth College
NENebraska Wesleyan University
PANeumann University
NHNew England College
NJNew Jersey City University
NJNew Jersey Institute of Technology
NMNew Mexico Highlands University
NMNew Mexico State University
NYNew York University
SCNewberry College
KSNewman University
NYNiagara University
LANicholls State University
MANichols College
NCNorth Carolina State University
NCNorth Carolina Wesleyan College
ILNorth Central College
MNNorth Central University
NDNorth Dakota State University
SCNorth Greenville University
ILNorth Park University
OKNortheastern State University
MANortheastern University
AZNorthern Arizona University
ILNorthern Illinois University
KYNorthern Kentucky University
MINorthern Michigan University
SDNorthern State University
VTNorthern Vermont University – Johnson
VTNorthern Vermont University – Lyndon
WINorthland College
MONorthwest Missouri State University
IDNorthwest Nazarene University
OKNorthwestern Oklahoma State University
LANorthwestern State University of Louisiana
ILNorthwestern University
MINorthwood University – Michigan
VTNorwich University
OHNotre Dame College
MDNotre Dame of Maryland University
FLNova Southeastern University
NYNyack College
MIOakland University
OHOberlin College
CAOccidental College
GAOglethorpe University
OHOhio Dominican University
OHOhio Northern University
OHOhio State University
OHOhio University
OHOhio Wesleyan University
OKOklahoma Baptist University
OKOklahoma Christian University
OKOklahoma State University
VAOld Dominion University
MIOlivet College
OKOral Roberts University
OROregon State University
OHOtterbein University
AROuachita Baptist University
NYPace Universit
WAPacific Lutheran University
ORPacific University
FLPalm Beach Atlantic University
PAPenn State
PAPenn State Abington
PAPenn State Altoona
PAPenn State Berks
PAPenn State Erie – The Behrend College
PAPenn State Harrisburg
PAPennsylvania College of Technology
CAPepperdine University
NCPfeiffer University
GAPiedmont University
NHPlymouth State University
CAPoint Loma Nazarene University
CAPomona-Pitzer Colleges
ORPortland State University
CTPost University
TXPrairie View A & M University
NYPratt Institute
SCPresbyterian College
NJPrinceton University
ILPrincipia College
RIProvidence College
INPurdue University
INPurdue University – Fort Wayne
INPurdue University – Northwest
NCQueens University of Charlotte
ILQuincy University
CTQuinnipiac University
VARadford University
NJRamapo College of New Jersey
VARandolph College
VARandolph-Macon College
MARegis College
CORegis University
NYRensselaer Polytechnic Institute – RPI
RIRhode Island College
TNRhodes College
TXRice University
NJRider University
WIRipon College
NHRivier University
VARoanoke College
PARobert Morris University – Pennsylvania
NYRoberts Wesleyan College
NYRochester Institute of Technology
ILRockford University
MORockhurst University
RIRoger Williams University
OKRogers State University
FLRollins College
INRose-Hulman Institute of Technology
PARosemont College
NJRowan University
NYRussell Sage College
NJRutgers University
NJRutgers University – Newark
CTSacred Heart University
MISaginaw Valley State University
NHSaint Anselm College
NJSaint Elizabeth University
PASaint Francis University
MESaint Joseph's College of Maine
PASaint Joseph's University
FLSaint Leo University
MOSaint Louis University
WASaint Martin's University
INSaint Mary's College – Indiana
CASaint Mary's College of California
MNSaint Mary's University of Minnesota
VTSaint Michael's College
NJSaint Peter's University
PASaint Vincent College – Pennsylvania
NCSalem College
MASalem State University
WVSalem University
MDSalisbury University
RISalve Regina University
TXSam Houston State University
ALSamford University
CASan Diego State University
CASan Francisco State University
CASan Jose State University
CASanta Clara University
NYSarah Lawrence College
TXSchreiner University
WASeattle Pacific University
WASeattle University
NJSeton Hall University
PASeton Hill University
TNSewanee – The University of the South
NCShaw University
VAShenandoah University
WVShepherd University
PAShippensburg University of Pennsylvania
GAShorter University
NYSiena College
MASimmons University
IASimpson College
NYSkidmore College
PASlippery Rock University
MASmith College
CASonoma State University
SCSouth Carolina State University
SDSouth Dakota State University
MOSoutheast Missouri State University
LASoutheastern Louisiana University
CTSouthern Connecticut State University
ILSouthern Illinois University Carbondale
ILSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
TXSouthern Methodist University – SMU
OKSouthern Nazarene University
NHSouthern New Hampshire University
LASouthern University & A&M College
UTSouthern Utah University
VASouthern Virginia University
SCSouthern Wesleyan University
MOSouthwest Baptist University
MNSouthwest Minnesota State University
OKSouthwestern Oklahoma State University
TXSouthwestern University
KYSpalding University
ALSpring Hill College
MASpringfield College
NYSt. Bonaventure University
MNSt. Catherine University
MNSt. Cloud State University
TXSt. Edward's University
NYSt. Francis College
NYSt. John Fisher College
NYSt. John's University – New York
NYSt. Joseph's College – Brooklyn
NYSt. Joseph's College – Long Island
NYSt. Lawrence University
MDSt. Mary's College of Maryland
TXSt. Mary's University – Texas
WISt. Norbert College
MNSt. Olaf College
NYSt. Thomas Aquinas College
CAStanford University
TXStephen F Austin State University
FLStetson University
NJStevens Institute of Technology
MDStevenson University
NJStockton University
MAStonehill College
MASuffolk University
TXSul Ross State University
NYSUNY Binghamton University
NYSUNY Buffalo State College
NYSUNY College at Brockport
NYSUNY College at Old Westbury
NYSUNY College at Oneonta
NYSUNY College of Agriculture & Technology at Cobleskill
NYSUNY Cortland
NYSUNY Farmingdale State College
NYSUNY Fredonia
NYSUNY Geneseo
NYSUNY Maritime College
NYSUNY Morrisville
NYSUNY New Paltz
NYSUNY Plattsburgh
NYSUNY Potsdam
NYSUNY Purchase College
NYSUNY Stony Brook University
NYSUNY University at Albany
NYSUNY University at Buffalo
PASusquehanna University
PASwarthmore College
VASweet Briar College
NYSyracuse University
TXTarleton State University
PATemple University
TNTennessee Technological University
TXTexas A&M International University
TXTexas A&M University
TXTexas A&M University – Commerce
TXTexas A&M University – Corpus Christi
TXTexas Christian University
TXTexas Lutheran University
TXTexas Southern University
TXTexas State University
TXTexas Tech University
TXTexas Woman's University
SCThe Citadel
NJThe College of New Jersey
NYThe College of Saint Rose
MNThe College of St. Scholastica
NYThe King's College – New York
PAThiel College
METhomas College
PAThomas Jefferson University (Formerly Philadelphia University)
OHTiffin University
MDTowson University
KYTransylvania University
TNTrevecca Nazarene University
INTrine University
CTTrinity College – Connecticut
TXTrinity University – Texas
DCTrinity Washington University
ALTroy University
MOTruman State University
MATufts University
TNTusculum University
NYUnion College – New York
TNUnion University
COUnited States Air Force Academy
CTUnited States Coast Guard Academy
NYUnited States Merchant Marine Academy
NYUnited States Military Academy
MDUnited States Naval Academy
OHUniversity of Akron
ALUniversity of Alabama
ALUniversity of Alabama – Birmingham
ALUniversity of Alabama – Huntsville
AZUniversity of Arizona
ARUniversity of Arkansas
ARUniversity of Arkansas at Little Rock
ARUniversity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
CTUniversity of Bridgeport
CAUniversity of California – Berkeley
CAUniversity of California – Davis
CAUniversity of California – Irvine
CAUniversity of California – Los Angeles – UCLA
CAUniversity of California – Riverside
CAUniversity of California – San Diego
CAUniversity of California – Santa Barbara
CAUniversity of California – Santa Cruz
ARUniversity of Central Arkansas
FLUniversity of Central Florida
MOUniversity of Central Missouri
OKUniversity of Central Oklahoma
WVUniversity of Charleston
ILUniversity of Chicago
OHUniversity of Cincinnati
COUniversity of Colorado – Boulder
COUniversity of Colorado – Colorado Springs
CTUniversity of Connecticut
TXUniversity of Dallas
OHUniversity of Dayton
DEUniversity of Delaware
COUniversity of Denver
MIUniversity of Detroit Mercy
IAUniversity of Dubuque
INUniversity of Evansville
OHUniversity of Findlay
FLUniversity of Florida
GAUniversity of Georgia
CTUniversity of Hartford
HIUniversity of Hawaii at Hilo
HIUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
TXUniversity of Houston
IDUniversity of Idaho
ILUniversity of Illinois
ILUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
ILUniversity of Illinois at Springfield
INUniversity of Indianapolis
IAUniversity of Iowa
KSUniversity of Kansas
KYUniversity of Kentucky
CAUniversity of La Verne
LAUniversity of Louisiana
LAUniversity of Louisiana – Monroe
KYUniversity of Louisville
VAUniversity of Lynchburg
MEUniversity of Maine
MEUniversity of Maine at Farmington
MEUniversity of Maine at Presque Isle
NDUniversity of Mary
TXUniversity of Mary Hardin-Baylor
VAUniversity of Mary Washington
MDUniversity of Maryland
MDUniversity of Maryland – Baltimore County
MAUniversity of Massachusetts – Amherst
MAUniversity of Massachusetts – Boston
MAUniversity of Massachusetts – Dartmouth
MAUniversity of Massachusetts – Lowell
TNUniversity of Memphis
FLUniversity of Miami
MIUniversity of Michigan
MNUniversity of Minnesota
MNUniversity of Minnesota – Crookston
MNUniversity of Minnesota – Duluth
MNUniversity of Minnesota – Morris
MSUniversity of Mississippi
MOUniversity of Missouri
MOUniversity of Missouri – Kansas City
MOUniversity of Missouri – St. Louis
MTUniversity of Montana
ALUniversity of Montevallo
NCUniversity of Mount Olive
OHUniversity of Mount Union
NEUniversity of Nebraska
NBUniversity of Nebraska at Kearney
NEUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha
NVUniversity of Nevada – Las Vegas
NVUniversity of Nevada – Reno
MEUniversity of New England
NHUniversity of New Hampshire
CTUniversity of New Haven
NMUniversity of New Mexico
ALUniversity of North Alabama
NCUniversity of North Carolina – Greensboro
NCUniversity of North Carolina – Wilmington
NCUniversity of North Carolina Asheville
NCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NCUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
NCUniversity of North Carolina at Pembroke
NDUniversity of North Dakota
FLUniversity of North Florida
GAUniversity of North Georgia
TXUniversity of North Texas
COUniversity of Northern Colorado
IAUniversity of Northern Iowa
MNUniversity of Northwestern – St. Paul
INUniversity of Notre Dame
OKUniversity of Oklahoma
ORUniversity of Oregon
PAUniversity of Pennsylvania – Penn
PAUniversity of Pittsburgh
PAUniversity of Pittsburgh – Bradford
PAUniversity of Pittsburgh – Greensburg
PAUniversity of Pittsburgh – Johnstown
ORUniversity of Portland
WAUniversity of Puget Sound
CAUniversity of Redlands
RIUniversity of Rhode Island
VAUniversity of Richmond
NYUniversity of Rochester
CTUniversity of Saint Joseph
CAUniversity of San Diego
CAUniversity of San Francisco
OHUniversity of Scranton
SDUniversity of Sioux Falls
ALUniversity of South Alabama
SCUniversity of South Carolina
SCUniversity of South Carolina – Upstate
SCUniversity of South Carolina Aiken
SDUniversity of South Dakota
FLUniversity of South Florida
CAUniversity of Southern California
INUniversity of Southern Indiana
MEUniversity of Southern Maine
MSUniversity of Southern Mississippi
MNUniversity of St. Thomas – Minnesota
TXUniversity of St. Thomas – Texas
FLUniversity of Tampa
TNUniversity of Tennessee
TNUniversity of Tennessee – Chattanooga
TNUniversity of Tennessee – Martin
TXUniversity of Texas – Austin
TXUniversity of Texas – El Paso
TXUniversity of Texas – Permian Basin
TXUniversity of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
TXUniversity of Texas – San Antonio
TXUniversity of Texas – Tyler
TXUniversity of Texas at Dallas
TXUniversity of the Incarnate Word
ARUniversity of the Ozarks
CAUniversity of the Pacific
OHUniversity of Toledo
OKUniversity of Tulsa
UTUniversity of Utah
PAUniversity of Valley Forge
VTUniversity of Vermont
VAUniversity of Virginia
WAUniversity of Washington
ALUniversity of West Alabama
FLUniversity of West Florida
GAUniversity of West Georgia
WIUniversity of Wisconsin
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Green Bay
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – La Crosse
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Parkside
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Platteville
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – River Falls
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Stout
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Superior
WIUniversity of Wisconsin – Whitewater
WYUniversity of Wyoming
IAUpper Iowa University
PAUrsinus College
OHUrsuline College
UTUtah State University
UTUtah Tech University (Formerly Dixie State University)
UTUtah Valley University
NYUtica University
GAValdosta State University
INValparaiso University
TNVanderbilt University
NYVassar College
PAVillanova University
VAVirginia Commonwealth University
VAVirginia Military Institute – VMI
VAVirginia Tech
VAVirginia Wesleyan University
NYWagner College
NCWake Forest University
OHWalsh University
NCWarren Wilson College
IAWartburg College
KSWashburn University
PAWashington & Jefferson College
VAWashington & Lee University
MDWashington College
WAWashington State University
MOWashington University in St. Louis
NBWayne State College
PAWaynesburg University
UTWeber State University
MOWebster University
MAWellesley College
NYWells College
MAWentworth Institute of Technology
GAWesleyan College
CTWesleyan University
PAWest Chester University of Pennsylvania
WVWest Liberty University
TXWest Texas A&M University
WVWest Virginia State University
VAWest Virginia University
WVWest Virginia Wesleyan College
NCWestern Carolina University
COWestern Colorado University
CTWestern Connecticut State University
ILWestern Illinois University
KYWestern Kentucky University
MIWestern Michigan University
CTWestern New England University
ORWestern Oregon University
WAWestern Washington University
MAWestfield State University
MOWestminster College – Missouri
PAWestminster College – Pennsylvania
UTWestminster College – Utah
ILWheaton College – Illinois
MAWheaton College – Massachusetts
VAWheeling University
WAWhitman College
CAWhittier College
PAWilkes University
ORWillamette University
VAWilliam & Mary
MOWilliam Jewell College
NJWilliam Paterson University of New Jersey
NCWilliam Peace University
MAWilliams College
OHWilmington College
DEWilmington University
PAWilson College
NCWingate University
MNWinona State University
SCWinthrop University
OHWittenberg University
SCWofford College
MAWorcester Polytechnic Institute
MAWorcester State University
OHWright State University
OHXavier University
CTYale University
NYYeshiva University
PAYork College of Pennsylvania
GAYoung Harris College

Find the Right Soccer Tournaments, ID Camps and Clinics for You

College coaches frequently scout talent at club tournaments and ID camps. These events offer a concentrated opportunity to evaluate a large number of players in a short period. While gaining experience against top-level competition is valuable, the primary goal for many recruits is to maximize visibility and attract the attention of college coaches. When selecting tournaments and camps, consider the following:

  • Level of Competition: Choose events that align with your skill level. Playing against strong competition can showcase your abilities and impress college coaches.
  • Coach Attendance: Research which colleges will be attending the event. Prioritize tournaments and camps that attract coaches from your target schools.
  • Location and Timing: Consider factors like travel distance, cost, and scheduling conflicts. Select events that fit your family's budget and academic commitments.

Scout Tip: Participating in the right events with coaches who know who you are can significantly enhance your recruiting. If you are showing up to these events without communicating with the coach or knowing what they are looking for in upcoming classes then you are going in blind. If you are unsure about what camps and showcases are right for you, get in touch with an NSR scout today.

Learn How to Get Recruited for Soccer and Find Soccer Scholarships

Earning a spot on a college soccer team and securing a scholarship to help finance your dream is an incredible achievement. But with so many talented players out there, how do you stand out and get noticed by coaches?

Building Your Recruiting Foundation:

While every journey is unique, some key milestones are crucial for all soccer players aiming for college: Understanding the 4 phases of soccer recruiting will help you navigate the process more effectively and position yourself for success.


4 Stages of The Soccer Process

Step 1: Identification & Recognition

First, you must be identified by college coaches and recognized as a potential recruit.

Step 2: Evaluation

Your athletic skill set has to be evaluated by coaches, either by video or in person.

Step 3: Comparison

College coaches will compare your athletic skills, academic performance, and more to other athletes.

Step 4: Offer

College coaches will determine their top prospects and offer them a scholarship or roster spot.

Maximizing Your Scholarship Potential

soccer scholarships come in various forms, ranging from full rides to partial financial aid packages. Here's how to boost your scholarship chances:

NSR Soccer Commits

Division Selection

Understand the scholarship landscape across NCAA Divisions 1, 2, and 3, and NAIA institutions. Division 1 typically offers the most athletic scholarships, but competition is fierce. Consider exploring options across different divisions to find the best academic and athletic fit with strong scholarship opportunities.

Academic Achievements

Maintain a high GPA, ACT/SAT test scores, and consider taking challenging courses to demonstrate your academic potential. Strong academic performance makes you a more attractive scholarship candidate.

Highlight Your Skills

Showcase your talent not just on the field but also in the classroom. Highlight academic achievements and leadership qualities alongside your athletic skills to stand out.


2025-2026 NCAA Soccer Recruiting Rules and Calendar

Understanding the NCAA soccer recruiting calendar and communication rules is crucial for navigating the college search process effectively. Here's a breakdown to help you stay ahead of the curve:

Understanding Coach Communication:

The NCAA dictates specific timeframes for when and how college coaches from different divisions can contact and interact with potential recruits. Knowing these regulations helps you anticipate coach communication and manage your recruiting timeline strategically.

Key Dates and Communication Periods

Contact Periods

Coaches can actively reach out via email, text, and calls. Expect them to introduce themselves, express interest, and answer questions. Be ready to showcase your achievements and show interest in their programs.

Evaluation Periods

These periods allow coaches to watch you compete in person or visit your school/home to assess your skills. Understanding the specific rules regarding evaluation locations (school-based vs. non-scholastic events) is crucial.

Quiet Periods

During these periods, coaches can't have face-to-face contact with recruits off-campus. However, electronic communication is still allowed, providing an opportunity to continue conversations with coaches you've already connected with.

Dead Periods

These periods prohibit all communication between coaches and recruits. Utilize these times to focus on academics, refine your skills, and research colleges without the pressure of constant communication.

Unlocking Your Recruiting Journey with NSR

National Scouting Report delves deep into the intricacies of soccer recruiting, going beyond generic "college recruiting" information. Here's what you can expect:

Insider Tips

Gain valuable insights directly from college scouts who've been in your shoes. Their "been-there, done-that" perspective provides a unique edge in your recruiting journey.

Tailored Strategies

We understand soccer recruiting has its own challenges. NSR offers specific strategies geared towards showcasing your soccer skills and maximizing your exposure to college coaches.

Step-by-Step Roadmap

We'll break down the process into clear milestones, helping you stay organized and achieve your recruiting goals.

Understanding the NCAA Divisions

College soccer players have opportunities across NCAA Divisions I, II, and III, as well as NAIA and JUCO programs, each offering unique experiences at camps. Division I camps are highly competitive, drawing elite athletes and showcasing advanced training methods to match the top-tier level of play. Division II camps emphasize a strong balance between athletics and academics, offering a more personalized experience with coaches focused on skill development. Division III camps prioritize academics while maintaining a competitive athletic environment, often featuring smaller group sizes for more individual feedback. NAIA and JUCO camps can provide affordable options for showcasing talent and often serve as stepping stones to four-year programs. Understanding the differences helps players align camp choices with their goals and maximize their recruiting potential.

Division 1 Soccer

Focus: Most competitive level of college soccer.

Scholarships: Offers the most athletic scholarships, with some schools providing full rides.

Academics: Highly selective academic institutions often with rigorous course loads.

Top D1 Colleges: Ohio State University, Duke University, University of San Diego, and University of Denver

Division 2 Soccer

Focus: Strong balance between athletics and academics.

Scholarships: Offers athletic scholarships, but typically less than D1. Financial aid packages may combine athletic and academic merit aid.

Academics: Diverse range of academic institutions.

Top D2 Colleges: Franklin Pierce University, Colorado State University (Pueblo), Florida Tech, and Lewis University

Division 3 Soccer

Focus: Strong emphasis on academics with a competitive athletic environment.

Scholarships: No athletic scholarships offered. Financial aid typically comes in the form of academic merit aid and need-based grants.

Academics: Primarily consists of private liberal arts colleges and universities.

Top D3 Colleges: St. Olaf College, Amherst College, Washington & Lee University, and Washington College

NAIA & JUCO: Additional Options

NAIA Soccer

Focus: Offers a balance between athletics and academics, similar to D2.

Scholarships: Provides athletic scholarships, though typically less than D1 or D2.

Academics: Consists of smaller private and public colleges.

Top NAIA Colleges: Dalton State, Oklahoma Wesleyan, Mobile (AL), Missouri Valley, and William Penn

JUCO Soccer

Focus: Two-year colleges offering athletic programs.

Purpose: Can be a stepping stone to transfer to a four-year institution.

Scholarships: Offer athletic scholarships in some cases.

Top JUCO Colleges: Iowa Western Community College, Indian Hills Community College, Eastern Florida State College, and Tyler Junior College

Create Your Skills Video

Unlike some sports, soccer recruiting heavily relies on video to assess potential recruits. This makes your skills video a crucial tool in catching the eye of college coaches. Here's what you need to know to create a video that showcases your talents and gets you noticed:

Skills or Game Footage?

Knowing what the college coach is looking for in your video is crucial. Some coaches want to see strictly skills footage while some are more interested in game footage. Make sure you are talking with an NSR scout to determine what the best route is.

NSR soccer

Get Ready to Shine

The road to collegiate soccer is exciting, but it requires preparation. With NSR and your dedication, you'll be well-equipped to showcase your talent, connect with the right program, and turn your dream into a reality. Are you ready to step up to the plate?


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